
Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Budget Plan: Message From Treasurer Team

Several changes have been made to the budget plan. Hopefully everyone will take note and please give us your feedback. Thank you.

p/s: Farhana will present the old budget plan (Dr Seikh xkisah sgt budget tu).
-Treasurer team-


  1. ala... baru nak claim duit sunblock.. muka dah berbelang lepas buat tagging aritu... hehehehehe... ;p

  2. kalo nk masuk sunblock dlm budget, duit petrol kena tolak.lepas ni suma org g kampung jln kaki or naik basikal. kan program jom sihat! hehehe..

  3. ala emi... leh buat sendiri je sunblock tu... tepung ubi kayu + asam jawa + sedikit kunyit + air mutlak..... di lumurkan di muke selepas di cuci dhn air suam.... dlm keadaan seperti berbedak sejuk... bolehla ke kampung2... buat survey... nescaya... akan di halau ataupon... sume org cabut lari.... hahaha... (sori gurau2 je...)

  4. @amin: tu petua turun temurun ke? bole caya ke?

    wuwuw.. kena g pharmacy nih.. nak beli facial mask...

    hahahaha.... =p
