
Saturday, May 1, 2010

ATTENTION: Do You Remember??

Salam kawan2 semua... masih ingatkah anda bahawa masih ada perkara yg kita same2 belum selesaikan...MENG"INFORM" blood result pada respondent kite hari itu....

So, satu meeting akan di adakan pada ESOK (Isnin),bersamaan dengan 3/5/2010... Jam 9PM, bertempat di Meeting Room; (atau diringkaskan seperti dibawah;)

Date: 3 May 2010 (tomorrow)
Time: 9PM
Venue: Meeting Room
Activity: Kite akan same2 fill in blood result pada respondent yg tertentu, so bring together all ur Questionaires Okay....

p/s: Sori, meng'inform' bende ni di waktu kehangatan korang semua tgh stadi for exam... ape2 pon still kene inform gak... sebab ini JANJI KITA BERSAMA..... Hope all of u could come and "Good Luck for Tomorrow"....

Semoga Allah permudahkan hidup kite, sebagaimana kita mempermudahkan hidup org lain....


Thanks to Hana... ECG interpretation - Insyaallah Dr Samsul punye style... click link kat bawah ni... kalo rosak ke ape ke... inform aku ok...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Immediate Attention!!!!


This is from data analysis team:

Firstly for age grouping,can the age risk group factor divide the age accordingly, it would be easier for us to analyze

Secondly we didnt put pie chart for education in the report (only in presentation)

Thirdly this is mainly for the presentation
-the statistical analysis plan
-error chart (previous group didnt include in their report)

Lastly, for calculation of sample size for each risk factor, we're suppose to calculate it prior to data collection and I thing Dr. Jamal directed it mostly to d other group (this last part needs clarification)

Other requests we would gladly do

Comments or clarifications are appreciated

The Unfinished Business

P/S: Click on the pic, okay.

Salam to all.
This is a message from Iman - Task delegation for our final report editing.
Please discuss among your team members to improvise based on the proposed corrections by the lecturers.

Submit the corrections to me by Thursday (29th April). The hardbound copies need 4 days to be ready thus, the immediate deadline. Any problem encountered, please email me.

Thank you.

Monday, April 26, 2010


DATE : 27 APRIL 2010
TIME: 9.00 AM
VENUE: Lecture Hall 5, KOM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chart: Availability of Respondents

P/S: Click on the pic


Salam Semua,
There are 2 important Announcement;

1) Today (25th April 2010), at 5pm, There is a meeting with Dr SKF at Meeting Room CommMed, he want to give comments n discuss regarding our Final Research Report, probably for the sake of our Research Presentation.

Representative from each group is compulsory to attend at least one person.... but for the rest u r very welcome to come... to discuss together regarding all matters....

(nanti mase presentation, dr tanye, leh la kite jawab same2... takde la blur kot.... same2lah kite menolong, yg mane presenter xleh jawab kite bantu n bagi pahamkan semua org....)

2) Tonight after Isyak... for those yg free... harap leh luangkan sedikit masa... kat skype (tak jauh pon...xyah drive mane2 pon), kite nak discuss sikit regarding pembahagian presentation tu camne for 2 presenter kite.... same2 lah menyumbang idea utk kebaikan bersama....

Insyaallah.... same2 berdoa n berikan yg terbaik pada segala usaha yg telah kite lakukan... semoga Allah sentiase mempermudahkan segala kerja....



Kepada kawan2 berikut adelah compilation soalan2 exam for CHFM.... Harap2 dapat membantu semua.... Selamat Belajar semua.... n Good Luck for Exam nanti.... (,")

Friday, April 23, 2010

Final Report : Draft No.1

Salam to all.

Here is a link to which you can download the final survey report submitted  (and emailed to other lecturers) to Dr. Seikh yesterday. Modifications are imminent and we need the meticulous ones of you to point out areas to be improved. Indeed, our lack of time has compromised ourselves to be thorough and detailed.

(Again, do inform if the link is broken, unable to download, etc etc and we can email the file to you. 2 MB je ok)

Further comments please proceed to the comment section.

Here are the few mistakes that we have noticed:
-The first few pages need to be romanized
-The chapter heading is not numbered with dots

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

List of Topics and Person-In-Charge

The distribution of work is done by taking into consideration the workload of each person. Some may not find his or her name on the risk factors he/she previously did a research on. We limit one person to one risk factor. The rest will be placed according to your responsible areas of expertise.

Please pass the required items to by Thursday (TOMORROW!!!) (22nd April) - before 12 PM. (YES TOMORROW....)

PLEASE abide by the dateline because the final research report has to be submitted on FRIDAY and the power point presentation needs to be constructed by Saturday, so that the presenter has ample time to prepare & rehearse.

Please refer to the previous report (C1). PARAPHRASE accordingly.
Any inquiries please proceed to the comment section =) TQ.

*Report of C1 Survey can be downloaded here:
(Please inform me if the link is broken or if the file is corrupted etc)

P/S: Click on the miniature pic below

Ediorial Team

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Occupational Health Assignment

1. You are the occupational health doctor employed in an automobile company. The management requested that you assessed the workplace in order to ensure their workers are safe.

a. Define what is a walk through survey (1 mark)

b. State how would you conduct the walk through survey (4 marks)

c. By giving an example of hazard that you most probably encounter in the factory, state how would you measure the risk and in order necessary action can be taken by the management. (10 marks)

d. Discuss the health effects due to exposure to the example that you have stated in (c) (10 marks)

2. Write an essay on the role of occupational health practitioner and elaborate on how the occupational health practitioner can be involved in preventing accident at workplace. (10 marks)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Kepada ahli2 groupku yg dikasihi sekalian.... Esok (Tomorrow) Meeting kite kol 9.00AM (PAGI).... kat Meeting Room....

Sila pastikan data entry for part 1 & 2 siap by today.... Esok sila bawa semua Questionaire...
Meeting esok kite nak bahagikan tugas for Research Report n Data Analysis want to tell us something....

Thank You...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Attention to all B2 members yg masih BLUM buat Data Entry,could you kindly finish it by tomorrow (for biodata & measurement form) since Dr. Jamal has asked regarding this matter


Kerjasame anda amat dihargai

Yg menjalankn tugas

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meeting Tonight

Attention: Meeting tonight will be at Meeting Room, 9PM.....

All people must bring all Questionaires that you have (completed + not completed)....

Thank You....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Colour Pencils


from the Children's activity group.

They request that tomorrow, bring along colour pencils. It's for the colouring contest.

Meeting with Dr Razman

salam again,

On 8th April 2010 (Thursday) at 8:30am, there will be meeting conducted wit Dr Razman to finalize the budget.

Venue: The Meeting Room

Everyone MUST come.

thank you.

Special Meeting

salam to all

2nite, special meeting will be conducted. only few of the members are wajib to come. Those are:

1. Amin
2. Ghaus
3. Sam
4. Ahmad
5. HafidzJoe
6. Qila
7. Taan
8. Salmina
9. Karniza
10. Piqah

Others who are free are welcome to come. The more the idea, the merrier the outcome. :)

Meeting will be mainly about the budget. We need to revised it to make it better.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Data Entry

SALAM DATA ENTRY KOL 9 MLM nie... Kat COM LAB Level 3...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Budget Plan: Message From Treasurer Team

Several changes have been made to the budget plan. Hopefully everyone will take note and please give us your feedback. Thank you.

p/s: Farhana will present the old budget plan (Dr Seikh xkisah sgt budget tu).
-Treasurer team-

Friday, March 26, 2010

ATTENTION: Our Meeting Schedule

Tomorrow (Sunday) - 8PM at Com Lab FamMed
Topic: Intervention Day Plan & Tagging progress
p/s - so sume yg dah di asign with tugas masing2... kene prepare (for Intervention Day), PC - prepare ur tentative prog, dan yg lain2.... fikirkan lah ape2 yg korg nak plan karang... so meeting kite xdela jadi lame sgt... sbb baru nak fikir.....

Monday (29th March) - 5.30PM at LH5
Topic: Proposal Presentation & modification
p/s- take note sume, regarding sources yg korg pegang setiap org... pastu presenter be prepare ok... ade ape2 prob leh tanye aku.... Dr SKF ckp... we will invite all lecturers (ComMed + FamMed)... but it doesnt matter kalo diorg leh dtg or tidak... we still can proceed with our own supervisor je.....

* Ape2 perubahan & penambahan akan diberitahu dari mase ke semase.... Harap Maklum....

UPDATES from Editorial Team

At last, the torment came to a halt (for us, at least)

The proposal (both hard and soft copies) have been submitted. The slides for presentation have been prepared, currently in Farhanah's keeping for further adjustment to fit her style.

Thanks to my good friends - Farhanah, Iman and Adilah! You guys rawks!

P/S: Good luck with others! Ada apa-apa nak kitorang tolong sila roger :D

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kampung Lubuk Puyu

Tugasan for Biostat analysis group

Ur 'required' to know and familiarize urselves with the statistical methods that we'll be using for this research

Thus far, i've gone through previous groups nye dummy tables and here are the methods they used:
  • Independent sample t-test
  • 1-way ANOVA test
Non parametric test yg aku tau are:
  • Mann-Whitney U test
  • Kruskal-Wallis
  • Chi-square test
Pastu, using all these tests via software aku rase nnt next Monday ad klas die....kot

And for size sampling, if kite gune simple random sampling, the value will be the same as previous posting nye research group so kitorang nk try consult Dr. Jamal dulu regarding this matter

Query: Anyone has any suggestion on what test/s to use for dyslipidaemia??....I'm truly at a lost here


Proposed Conceptual Framework

Please give your opinions

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dummy Table & Data Dictionary!!

To those yg x submit lg data dictionary ngan dummy table plz submit it a.s.a.p by today to sariu becoz data analysis group kene submit to editorial tomorrow

Setakat nih bru ad 2 group yg bg
  • Dyslipidaemia
  • Education
Your cooperation is highly appreciated


For "selected" Risk Factor's Group mentioned below, please update/ correct ur References (or senang2 bawak je skali sources tu esok).
There is/are probably something wrong with ur references citation (either not complete/ totally wrong/ not present/ etc):

1) Family History
2) Tobacco Consumption
3) DM
4) Socioecomic Status
5) Dyslipidemia
6) Age
7) Epidemiology

Pesanan di bawakan oleh Editorial Group

Friday, March 19, 2010

New task (from editorial team)

All risk factors group kena submit full source citation (preferrably dah format according to APA-IIUM style)

Kena includekan dlm biblio proposal nnt

Things To Do During This Weekend

For risk factor group,each must submit a copy of:
  • data dictionary
  • dummy table
  • list of tools

Submit Budget from each workgroup by Monday next week

Study about the whole Research process to get a better picture
e.g pilot testing, questionnaire, training survey

Anything to add tok ketue??

Query: for the dummy table, nk submit to data collection or data analysis group??

Thursday, March 18, 2010


1. Submit the lit review by midnite. Include the full references too.
2. Send it to 

For tomorrow meeting,

a. Each group must work on their budget and submit it to the Treasurer before end of Friday. Thus giving sufficient time to the Treasurer team to work on it.


p/s boss, ape lagi eh?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Budget Template (Research)

Budget Template for Research (Click di sini)

This one for Tresurer (PiQaH), - Leh la nak stadi2 dulu... ke dah ade dah?? kalo sape2 nak leh je download utk korg pikirkan ape yg nak di includekan dlm budget nnti

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Attention to All: For Tomorrow Meeting

Aim for Tomorow meeting: Literature Review & Proposal, (Objective, Survey area, )

What to bring & What to prepare....

1) One hard copy article/journal Each
for literature review (mesti dah bace la artikel tu skali so leh la nak diskus)
2) Know your Task
Sume should already knew bout their task (roughly pon okla)..what to do along the program nnti...
3) Time Frame
Gaus - bring ur time frame, n give one copy for me
4) Research objective & Budget
Each unit - sbb kite nak discus for proposal... so kene pikirkan skali la pasal objective research, and budget (yg korg nak gune nanti)
5) Isu2 yg berbangkit, yg hendak diutarakan......

Noor Mohd Amin Moktar

Research Team: Group B2

Research Time Frame

We need info from the sub groups. For now, the secretary team can only decide this far. InshaAllah. 

Final Research Presentation - Group C1

Final Research Presentation - Group C1 (Click Di Sini)

This one, power point presentation group lepas. Leh la nak baca... Tapi good for the sake of sape yg kene present nanti ok....

Community Survey Report - Group C1 2009 (REFERENCE KITE)

Community Survey Report - Group C1 2009 (Click Di Sini)

Ni contoh Research Report previous group. Harap2 sume leh download dan fahami isi kandungannye.... Good Luck!!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Epidemiology of Hypertension

Thursday, March 11, 2010

HPT as a Whole

HPT & Everything


HPT & Occupation


HPT & Spirituality


HPT & Stress

Blood Group

HPT & Blood Group


HPT & Race


HPT & Dyslipidemia

Diabetic Mellitus



HPT & Obesity


HPT & Tobacco

Family History

HPT & Family History


HPT & Gender


HPT & Age.


Welcome B2 members,

So, please put your articles links over here under appropriate Headings.

Peace & Love

Ahmad Ghaus