
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Finalized Framework


  1. according to zanaridah, she said that dr niza said that HPT (the Effect) must be at the bottom of the diagram

  2. if so, the diagram is going to be 'sarabut'. we'll see what the other doctors have to say during the presentation :)

  3. alrite. that's the purpose of the presentation kan. bdw, be ready to cite each of the arrows. just in case.

  4. citation is presented during the 'literature review' part. that should cover the relevance of our choices of RF.

  5. Rase cam still ade nak komen je... rasenye increasing age is more appropriate than extreme age... cozz extreme age can be either very old or very young kan? pastu add kan Male Gender... to show than we are studying about gender... lagi satu... bagi aku la kan... sociodemo bet mod & non-mod to kene ade separation la... nampak cam die jadi overlapping lak.....

  6. setuju ngan amin pasal extreme age jadi increasing age + male jd male gender... tak perasan pulak sebelum ni..

    tp, boleh ke modify kalau dlm proposal letak lain eh? nnt bila present, silalah tolong menolong ye.

    tapi, yg sociodemo tu, mcm dah ok je? - separated by color to distinguish btwn mod & non-mod, yet stil being in the same box to signify same category... ke ada yg kita tak perasan..

  7. aicks..serius tak perasan jugak (tak baca pun sebenarnya). rasa it's more appropriate to use increasing age n' male gender 'cause these two are the headings for the risk factors in the proposal.

    personally, pasal nak distinguish to..maybe we change the colour - bagi nampak striking difference between the two. and maybe boleh bagi heading non-mod & mod sama kaler dgn kotak masing2..

    P/S: to hana, malam ni meeting bwk copy powerpoint presentation ek? nak tgk hana modify apa..hehe. hana ada gam gajah?

  8. Nk tambah sikit, yg chronic smoker to rs cam lg appropriate letak tobacco consumption or smoker. sbb dlm literature review ada mention pasal smoking is associated with hypertension when it is chronic or heavy (xsure ayat tu stil ada or x selepas di edit oleh editorial team).
    @kaniza: dan lg tnya pasal gam gajah kat cni haha, xtahan tul :D

  9. eh, tesilap quote ayat, dlm lit review ada mention acute rise BP after smokng 1 cigarette in chronic and non-smokers. i.e.smoking itself is a risk factor.

  10. (stuju ngan ayat piqah)

    @Pikah: gam gajah ada dalam 'to-do list' kami.selagi xsetel takleh nak cross buang..serabut tgk list panjang sangat! hua hua hua! hampa kan tau kami memang lagu ni xD
